John had completed high school, his parents expected him to go to a Christian college. John, however, was unsure if college was in his future. He had long planned to continue his education, but when it actually came time, John was unsure. Much to the annoyance of Wilson, he couldn't explain his feelings. John didn't know it, but the Holy Spirit had given him a small still voice that told him to wait.This is so because John wanted to achieve something big in Fine arts but he also had a desire to give his business a new dimension so do he Joined in a near by college to pursue his under graduation, John got seat in the famous Christian college but considering the distance his parents objected his idea and made him study in a nearby college.John's day dream came real one day...yes its the day when john entered his college for the first time.John was had high school friend Kenneth also joined alone with him. so john was a bit relaxed in this new environment,John also had his 9th grade friend Errick in 2'nd year BBA, so do his childhood friend Marcus in the final year B.Com.But john didn't find the environment comfortable more over he was afraid about Maths and the Lecturers there.Every day classes was like hell to him.since John was sound in his grammar and vocabulary people thought he is a bright guy.But None except John knew he understood nothing from what they teach,since John from a commerce background with computer science as his major in his high school, he felt that the subject too hard to follow.John had too much of pressures in his mind .
John does not possess constant mind to decide things on his own,But he decided to move on to another college where his other friend Perry was Studying.He approached his principal along with Mr.Wilson and applied for Transfer,It was just the 18th day since college reopened so initially principal didn't accept John's Request but then she granted the certificates on a condition that the amount paid as fees 'll not be refunded.Wilson with a Furious face accepted it and John successfully Joined B.Sc with ISM as major in the college where Perry is studying.Here another big horror was waiting for John.From his first class he learned that his class consist of 10 Students in which 4 are Female and 1 androgynous(Rose) and 4 Chinese last but not the least is John.The first day class went on well but John found something fishy about 4 guys and Rose. the next day class started John was seriously listening to his lecturer soon something happened to him when he got up the class was empty it was 3 in the evening...John wat da F*** happen to u man?? y the hell u like this !!!!!! exclaimed Perry who fortunately came by his class to say bye for the evening..It was then john realized that he was dozed off by his class was nothing but some light narcotic Drug something like cocaine or Ganja.He learned this from his class mate Johnsy!!He took this matter to his principal But got no proper response; though John wants to quit the second day itself, he was asked to pay all the 3 years fees to get back his certificates. !!!Ultimately John took this matter to Wilson and then to Chief of the institution- he was well known to John as he is none other than the same person who selected John as the School Pupil Leader when he was in Higher secondary final year. John made up his mind and Decided to get back to the previous institution itself.Moral that John learned is ""Look before you leap"" and don't Look back once u step forward S tart small; T hink tall; R each over the wall; I nvest your all; V isualize the mall; E xpect you may fall; but, if you fall, that's not all; get up and STRIVE again
So do John started off with a clear Mind to succeed!!