Monday, February 26, 2024

Sunday, February 25, 2024 - Journey to Tawang

Our day commenced with an unexpected twist as we found ourselves without water in the hotel taps. Confusion reigned among the hotel staff as some rooms received water while others did not. Eventually, we were relocated to another room to freshen up and prepare for the day ahead. After a hearty breakfast, we bid farewell to Dirang and set our sights on our next destination, Tawang.

En route to Tawang, we were greeted by the rejuvenating hot springs, renowned for their therapeutic properties. It was an opportunity not to be missed as we indulged in the healing waters, immersing ourselves in nature's embrace.

Our journey took us across themesmerizing and rugged terrain of Sela Pass, standing tall at 13,700 feet. Slippery roads and drifting vehicles added to the challenge, slowing our progress to a crawl. 

Along the way, we paused to pay homage to the Jaswant Garg War Memorial and Chinese War Cemetery, both holding significant historical importance from the 1962 border war.

As we neared Tawang, we encountered another obstacle in the form of traffic congestion caused by local tournaments. Narrow roads lined with parked vehicles on both sides brought our journey to a standstill for nearly an hour and a half, until the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) arrived to clear the way. Upon reaching LN Stay in Tawang, we were shocked to learn that the city had been without electricity for the past five days, compounded by the plummeting temperatures dipping below freezing.

With anticipation and hope, we awaited the dawn of a new day, bracing ourselves for the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

Weather:  Prepare for sub-zero temperatures and harsh winds by layering up to stay warm and protected.

Special Tip: Ensure you carry small snacks and stay hydrated throughout the journey to maintain energy levels and combat the cold weather effectively.

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